Suggested Reading List For Australian Indigenous art and culture

  • Wally Caruana – ʻAboriginal Artʼ. Published by Thames and Hudson.
  • Judith Ryan – ʻImages of Powerʼ, ʻPaint Up Bigʼ, ʻMythscapesʼ ʻSpirit In Landʼ. Each published by the National Gallery of Victoria.
  • Peter Sutton – ʻDreamings. The Art of Aboriginal Australiaʼ. Published by Viking.
  • Josephine Flood – ʻArchaeology of the Dreamtimeʼ. Published by Angus and Robertson. Also ʻRock Art of the Dreamtimeʼ. Published by A & R
  • Buku-Larrngay Mulka Centre – ʻSaltwater: Yirrkala Bark Paintings of Sea Countryʼ. Published by Jennifer Isaacs Publishing Pty Ltd in association with Buku-Larrngay Mulka Centre.
  • Rosemary Crumlin and Anthony Knight – ʻAboriginal Art and Spiritualityʼ.Published by Collins Dove.Barbara Glowvzewski – ʻ Yapaʼ. Published by Bandoin Lebon Editeur.
  • Geoffrey Bardon – ʻPapunya Tulaʼ. Published by Penguin Books Australia Ltd.
  • Papunya Tula – ʻGenesis and Geniusʼ. Art Gallery of New South Wales
  • Ronald M. and Catherine H. Berndt – ʻThe World of the First Australiansʼ. Published by Aboriginal Studies Pressʼ.
  • Vivien Johnson – ʻAboriginal Artists of the Western Desertʼ. Published by Craftsman House.
  • Howard Morphy – ʻAboriginal Artʼ published by Phaidon.
  • Richard Trudgeon – ʻWhy Warriors Lie Down and Dieʼ. Aboriginal Resource and Development Services Inc. Darwin. ISBN 0 646 395874
  • RMIT – ‘Dot & Circle’ 1986 – a retrospective survey of the Aboriginal acrylic paintings of Central Australia. Published by RMIT
  • Marcia Langton –  ‘Welcome To Country’ A Travel Guide to Indigenous Australia. Published by Hardy Grant
  • Marie Geissler –  ‘Dreaming The Land’ Aboriginal Art from Remote Australia. Published by Thames & Hudson