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Nora Wompi Nungurrayi

Nora Wompi, a great traveller of her country, created artworks from Fitzroy Crossing and Lilparu (Well 33) to Wirrimanu (Balgo Hills). Shy to paint at first and preferring smaller scale surfaces to paint on, ‘Wompi’ – as she was affectionately…

Hollow Log sculptures by various artists

Ranging in height from 3005 to 2180 mm these Hollow Logs are known as Lorrkon in the Maningrida area of Central North Arnhem Land and Larrakitj to the Yolngu speaking people of North East Arnhem Land.  Stringy-bark trees, hollowed out by…

Jack Yurrulbbirri Nawilil

Maningrida Arts & Culture Art Centre states: ‘Mayali and Rembarrnga artist Kamarrang Jack Nawilil is a senior member of the Balngarra clan, who lives and works at Bolkjdam, an outstation located near Maningrida community in central Arnhem Land. A song man…

Jimmy Ngalakurn

The lorrkon, hollow log ,is made from termite hollowed Stringy-bark tree (Eucalyptus tetadonta) and is decorated with totemic emblems, in this case Saratoga fish. Hollow Logs are known as Lorrkon in the Maningrida area of Central North Arnhem Land and…

Desmond Pascoe

Desmond Pascoe is an Arnhem Land artist and Burarra speaker who excels in working with wood from his local Maningrida area. He is well known for his delicately painted Lorrkon (Hollow Logs) and a master didgeridoo maker. Hollow Logs are…

Bob Burruwal

Hollow Logs are known as Lorrkon in the Maningrida area of Central North Arnhem Land and Larrakitj to the Yolngu speaking people of North East Arnhem Land. Stringy-bark trees, hollowed out by termites, are prepared for painting on by stripping…