Lucky Morton Kngwarreye was born C.1952 near Amaroo Station and created her artoworks in the Utopia area of the Northern Territory. Hunting, cooking, gathering, celebrating, fighting, living on the land – Lucky Morton’s painting celebrates life lived on country North of Ampilatwatja, some 300 kms North East of Alice Springs. Text Helen Read
Part of an extended family residing at outstations to the north of Utopia Aboriginal Land, Lucky Morton Kngwarreye is the eldest daughter of Mary Kemarre and Billy Morton Petyarre, and sister of Audrey Kngwarreye and Janice Kngwarreye. She has worked as a batik artist, a sculptor and painter and, since the 1990’s, has been represented in a number of group exhibitions nationally and internationally . Her work is included in collections at the National Gallery of Australia (Canberra), Queensland Art Gallery (Brisbane), Powerhouse Museum (Sydney), Artbank (Sydney) and Art Gallery of New South Wales (Sydney). Her Dreamings include Mpwelarr (Rainbow) and Tyap lylarnayt (Grub from Acacia validinervia).
Source Flinders University Art Museum Publication ‘Gooch’s Utopia: collected works from the Central Desert.